We'll help you continue on a path of learning!
We'll help you continue on a path of learning!
There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to contact us, we will be happy to answer any questions.
Meet our President and Founder
Our mission at Change is to transform the lives of families, communities, businesses and individuals. We provide our clients with the tools and skills needed to enhance or develop their professional and life skills.
Change Professional Development is a state approved Training and Consulting Company that provides Workplace Readiness, Women and Youth Empowerment, College and Career Readiness and more. The program is aligned as a means of addressing economic competitiveness and to help job seekers and businesses exceed the standard of work readiness and economic development. The goal is that clients possess competencies that have been identified as important to success in the workplace.
Shakema Brown is an Entrepreneur, Licensed Educator, Business Coach and Thought Leader in her industry.
Shakema has been developing, designing and facilitating trainings to non-profits, schools and individuals for over a decade.
Her passion has been to help in combatting toxic stressors associated with family and community poverty by changing the mindsets and the way people who have previously dealt with difficulties and hardship think about their professional selves.
Shakema has been many times called a "life coach" a "pusher". She believes her purpose is to help others recognize, achieve and maximize their true potential in careers and in life.
She is an advocate for community development and supports causes for women, families, education and literacy.
Shakema loves what she does, you identify that the moment she starts lecturing.
The obstacles that hinder your achievements are restraining your greatness.
Change Professional Development
In this program teen-age girls will participate in a series of workshops related to confidence building; Youth Empowerment, Interviewing Skills,Body Image, College and Career Readiness, Stress Management, Etiquette and more.
"The purpose is to empower our young women so they will have the means and courage
to make positive choices in life and in their careers."
Change Professional Development offers support to organizations with customized staff training to improve the quality of staff representation of their personal and professional brand as it directly impacts the vision and mission of your organization.
Today’s Workforce is competitive and upwardly thriving,in order to be successful and marketable you must possess the tools and skills that have been identified as important to succeed in the workplace.
Learn how workplace culture, communication, professional image, customer service, a positive self-image & more are all crucial to your success and advancement in the workplace.
Introduction to Entrepreneurship for aspiring entrepreneurs is a business training filled with team and independent instruction as well as resources and tools for:
Meet Wangu,she turned her personal tragedy into triumph! Wangu became empowered through her unfortunate experience and took action to help others that have experienced similar tragedies.
Wangu saw herself as worthy!
In this New "YOU" Revolution how important is how you see yourself?
Merriam-Webster defines Self-Image as the way you think about yourself and your abilities or appearance.
In this season, lets change the way you look at achieving goals or overcoming obstacles by changing the way you think and see yourself!
Contact CPD for more information on our customized women empowerment workshops and to support Wangu's mission.
College and Career Readiness is a training that prepares high school students for their professional futures. In this training,students will be challenged and equipped with learning:
"Your reshaping starts with the simple will to aspire for completion"
Life, as you may know, is a row of unexpected roads we spend our time trying to find or anxiously trying to avoid.
Where you are right now, is because of the decisions or the results of influences that have transitioned in your life.
Self-sacrifice, an unexpected death, loss of a job, health problems, an unexpected pregnancy or depression can be the enemies of success.
If you are reading this right now, opportunity is staring at your conscience. Let us help you rid the external and internal noise in your life. Let Change be your transformation.
" Above and Beyond! CPD training has touched the fibers of my being!"
-E. Norwood
"Ms. Brown, thank you for being hard on me."
-A. Eure
"Applying what I learned from CPD has made me open back up and feel good about myself."
-D. Brathwaite
" My experience going through this program has helped me get a job that I have been working at for 3 years. After completing, I have now graduated from College and have been following everything I learned from CPD."
-D. Stewart
"This training has been helpful by teaching me what to expect and how to be effective on the job."
-G. Smith
Check out this great video
I understand that each person's situation and needs are unique to them. No worries, all workshops and trainings can be tailored to meet the needs of the client.